



Fishing & sailing

NAIRN SAILING CLUB: Situated 6.6 Miles from The Old Mill Inn

Nairn Sailing Club offers sailing opportunities for young and old, experienced or novice. They have a fantastic sailing environment on our doorstep and want to encourage more people to get out there and enjoy it. Nairn beach provides an interesting and varied environment for sailing.

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FORRES ANGLING ASSOCIATION: Situated 3.8 Miles from The Old Mill Inn

The River Findhorn is a short distance from the Old Mill Inn and flows from its source high in the Monadhliath Mountains 60 miles to its outflow at the Moray Firth north of Forres. The Findhorn is a very attractive salmon river, with a succession of deep pools and fast runs throughout its length. Forres Angling Association control four miles of double bank fishing on the river. The season for brown trout runs from mid-March to the beginning of October and the whole river system has a plentiful stock of wild brown trout. In the early Spring, when the March Browns and Olives start to hatch, these canny wild trout provide keen sport.

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